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Do you want to make your steel pipe products lighter and stronger than before?

Do you want to make your steel pipe products lighter and stronger than before?

Aug 17,2022
Do you want to make your products lighter and stronger than before?
By using thinner and stronger structural and cold forming steels like high-strength, advanced high-strength and ultra-high-strength steels, you can save on production costs thanks to easy bendability, cold-forming properties and surface treatment. Additional savings in welding work and filler materials can also be achieved when material thickness is minimized.
For example, a crane that is lighter, longer and stronger reduces the need for movement while increasing payload and efficiency. Upgrading a crane boom to Strenx 1100 MPa from 650 MPa can increase the crane's strength by a full 70 percent, while the amount of material needed to build it is reduced by 40 percent.

But the premise is that we must ensure the quality of construction projects,Yuantai has more than 70 patented technologies and 21 years of manufacturing experience in this field, which can meet the needs of customers in structural strength and cold formed hollow section steel pipes in yield, tensile and weather resistance。
certification of yuantai derun

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Yuantai team has over 21 years of experience in steel pipe project applications, specializing in the production, manufacturing, and customization of square rectangular, and circular steel pipes. Warmly welcome project procurement managers, individual owners, designers, and overall sellers, etc. Write down your requirements and receive professional quotes and technical support.
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